Linguistically sensitive teacher education: Toolkit for reflection tasks and action research

Mari Bergroth, Tjaša Dražnik, Júlia Llompart Esbert, Nathalie Pepiot, Karin van der Worp, Sven Sierens

Research output: Book/Journal/ReportBookProfessional


When all pupils are assured equal conditions, they can achieve educa-tional success, regardless of their first language, culture, social back-ground, origin, and age. The Erasmus+ project Linguistically sensitive teaching in all classrooms (Listiac) believes in supporting all teachers in becoming more linguistically sensitive to enable opportunities for equally successful schooling for all pupils in Europe. An important part of the process is to influence European initial teacher education cur-ricula. The Listiac project believes that reflection about and awareness of linguistically sensitive teaching should be better integrated during all stages of initial teacher education. The reflection should be done by teacher educators when planning individual courses, practice periods and visions and profile, by student teachers when doing their practice periods and obligatory courses, as well as by in-service teachers when supervising the student teachers.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherListiac Project
Number of pages82
Publication statusPublished - 2022
MoE publication typeD5 Text book, professional manual or guide or a dictionary


  • Teacher education
  • Linguistically sensitive teaching
  • Europe
  • student teachers
  • Teacher educators
  • Teachers
  • Policy


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