Justin Martyr as a Polemicist

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In his polemical interaction with Greco-Roman religion, philosophers, and heretics, Justin refers to “sound judgment”, “right reason” etc. as a criterion for distinguishing between truth and falsehood. The terms have a Stoic background, but Justin uses them to indicate reason as enlightened by Christian doctrine, i.e., the Old Testament revelation rightly understood.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationReligious Polemics and Encounters in Late Antiquity
Subtitle of host publicationBoundaries, Conversions, and Persuasion
EditorsTimo Nisula, Anni Maria Laato, Pablo Irizar
Place of PublicationLeiden
ISBN (Electronic)978-90-04-46684-5
ISBN (Print)978-90-04-46683-8
Publication statusPublished - 2021
MoE publication typeA3 Part of a book or another research book

Publication series

NameStudies on the Children of Abraham


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