Individuals in B2B Marketing: Sensemaking and Action in Context

Maria Ivanova-Gongne (Editor), Lasse Torkkeli (Editor), Nikolina Koporcic (Editor), Wilhelm Barner-Rasmussen (Editor)

Research output: Book/Journal/ReportEdited Book/Edited JournalScientificpeer-review


The business world consists of interlinked entities, which require acting cooperatively in order to reach the desired aims. Individuals are at the core of business-to-business (B2B) marketing and are responsible for making decisions, negotiating, networking, branding, and all other of the firm’s vital processes. Especially in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the role of individuals is important, as those in charge of the SMEs are often the face and the mind of a company. However, the role of the individual in B2B marketing literature has often been overlooked. This book covers the gap by providing a variety of novel perspectives that involve individuals as central figures in the B2B marketing environment. This book will provide practical implications on the topics in focus, which will bring the role and importance of individuals to the fore in the understanding of how B2B marketing works. It introduces readers to the role of embedded individual managers in developing and changing business systems and networks and consists of three core sections: cognition (individual sensemaking within a business environment), action (decision-making in business networks), and finally, contextualization (interrelation between micro- and macro-levels). Each section is supported with case studies to exemplify the research ideas presented. Individuals in B2B Marketing offers a comprehensive investigation into this much overlooked topic and will be a valuable resource for marketing, entrepreneurship, and international business scholars and graduate students in particular.

Original languageEnglish
ISBN (Electronic)9781040051184
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jun 2024
MoE publication typeC2 Edited work

Publication series

NameRoutledge Studies in Marketing


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