Higher Education Leadership in the light of Non-Affirmative Discursive Education: Theoretical Developments and Empirical Observations

Christa Tigerstedt, Michael Uljens

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingChapterScientific


As demonstrated by previous empirical research (Tigerstedt, 2014, in press), educational issues do not appear as a foreground topic in international higher education (HE) leadership discourse. In order to contribute to educational leadership research in this field, this article articulates a theoretical position and reports empirical findings on HE rectors’ educational leadership in Finland as perceived by the rectors themselves. More specifically, the aim is to analyze how educational leadership is constituted and acted out by these higher education leaders. By focusing policy enactment as a critical mediating practice, the activities of the HE rectors are conceptualized as discursive in nature (Schmidt, 2008; Uljens & Ylimaki, 2015). Further, the study is based on non-affirmative education theory (Benner, 1991; Uljens 2002).
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Title of host publicationAtt ta utbildningens komplexitet på allvar: En vänskrift till Eva Forsberg
EditorsMaja Elmgren, Maria Folke-Fichtelius, Stina Hallsén, Henrik Román, Wieland Wermke
PublisherUppsala universitet
ISBN (Print)978-91-554-9475-9
Publication statusPublished - 2016
MoE publication typeB2 Part of a book or another research book


  • Educational leadership

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