Health information seeking behaviour during exceptional times: A case study of Persian-speaking minorities in Finland

Hamed Ahmadinia*, Kristina Eriksson-Backa, Shahrokh Nikou

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    2 Citations (Scopus)
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    Literature on minorities' health-related information seeking shows that minorities, like non-minorities, require access to accurate and timely information, but they also need information in a range of languages and from a variety of sources. Health-related information seeking behaviour of Persian-speaking minorities living in Finland, explicitly focused on the COVID-19 pandemic situation, was investigated. Eighteen semi-structured interviews were conducted, and the extended Longo Health Information Model was used as a theoretical lens for analysing the data. The results point to several factors that can improve the outcome of minorities' health-related information seeking behaviours and activities, such as providing information related to their personal health, a deeper understanding of factors influencing the quality of health conditions at the individual or household level and broadcasting the latest health-related information in different languages and emphasize the needs for mental health-related information and services. The findings suggest that not only healthcare providers, immigration officials, and policymakers should be aware of the specific health-related information that minorities require, seek, and use during times of adversity, but also the extent to which how the identified factors influence the process of minorities' seeking health-related information.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number101156
    JournalLibrary and Information Science Research
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - May 2022
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    • Asylum seekers
    • COVID 19
    • Exceptional times
    • Finland
    • immigrants
    • Information seeking behaviors
    • Persian-speaking minority


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