Gas phase synthesis of isopropyl chloride from isopropanol and HCl over alumina and flexible 3-D carbon foam supported catalysts

Natalia Bukhanko, Christopher Schwarz, Ajaikumar Samikannu, Tung Ngoc Pham, William Siljebo, Johan Wärnå, Andrey Shchukarev, Anne-Riikka Rautio, Krisztian Kordás, Jyri-Pekka Mikkola

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Isopropyl chloride synthesis from isopropanol and HCl in gas phase over ZnCl2 catalysts supported on Al2O3 as well as flexible carbon foam was studied in a continuous reactor. A series of catalytic materials were synthesised and characterised by BET, XPS, SEM, TEM, XRD and NH3-TPD methods. Catalytic activity tests (product selectivity and conversion of reactants) were performed for all materials and optimal reaction conditions (temperature and feedstock flow rates) were found. The results indicate that the highest yield of isopropyl chloride was obtained over 5 wt.% ZnCl2 on commercial Al2O3 (No. II) (95.3%). Determination of product mixture compositions and by-product identification were done using a GC-MS method. Carbon foam variant catalyst, 5 wt.% ZnCl2/C, was found to perform best out of the carbon-supported materials, achieving ∼75% yield of isopropyl chloride. The kinetic model describing the process in a continuous packed bed reactor was proposed and kinetic parameters were calculated. The activation energy for the formation of isopropyl chloride reaction directly from isopropanol and HCl was found to be ∼58 kJ/mol.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)212–225
JournalApplied Catalysis A: General
Publication statusPublished - 2017
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Chemical Engineering

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