Finnish inventory data of underwater marine biodiversity

Louise Forsblom*, Elina A. Virtanen*, Heidi Arponen, Rasmus Boman, Jaakko Haapamäki, Joonas Hoikkala, Niko Kallio, Ville-Juhani Karvinen, Anu Kaskela, Essi Keskinen, Lauri Kuismanen, Lasse Kurvinen, Ari O. Laine, Maiju Lanki, Eveliina Lampinen, Juho Lappalainen, Pekka Lehtonen, Aija Nieminen, Kevin O’Brien, Anu RiihimäkiHenna Rinne, Sonja Salovius-Lauren, Antti Takolander, Karl Weckström, Markku Viitasalo

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Since 2004, marine biodiversity inventory data have been systematically collected with diving, video, and benthic sampling methods in Finland. To date, this collection of data consists of more than 194 000 spatially explicit observations, covering more than 280 aquatic genera, representing mainly macroalgae, vascular plants, water mosses, and invertebrates. We describe the data collection and storage methods, data extraction from national databases, and provide potential users a curated, open-access version of the inventory data. Additionally, examples of data applications and discussion on potential limitations are provided. This extensive dataset can be used in ecological and biogeographical studies to provide general descriptions of biodiversity patterns and species distributions, as well as in more applied studies to support marine management, conservation, and sustainable use of marine areas. The sampling strategy and high spatial and taxonomic resolution allow for statistical modelling, which further increases the usability of the data in research, for instance in identifying key biodiversity areas, estimating biodiversity loss, and assessing efficiency of conservation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1297
Number of pages12
JournalScientific Data
Publication statusPublished - 27 Nov 2024
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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