Extended Work Function Shift of Large-Area Biofunctionalized Surfaces Triggered by a Few Single-Molecule Affinity Binding Events

Cinzia Di Franco, Eleonora Macchia, Lucia Sarcina, Nicoletta Ditaranto, Aniqa Khaliq, Luisa Torsi*, Gaetano Scamarcio*

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16 Citations (Scopus)


Few binding events are here shown to elicit an extended work function change in a large-area Au-surface biofunctionalized with ≈108 capturing antibodies. This is demonstrated by Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM), imaging a ≈105 µm2 wide Au-electrodes covered by a dense layer (≈104 µm−2) of physisorbed anti-immunoglobulin-M (anti-IgM). A 10 min incubation in 100 µL phosphate buffer saline solution encompassing ≈10 IgM antigens (10−19 mole L−1 ≡ 102 × 10−21 m) produces a work function shift ΔW ≈ –60 meV. KPFM images prove that this shift involves the whole inspected area. Notably, no work function change occurs upon incubation in highly concentrated (3 × 10−15 m) nonbinding IgG solutions. The ΔW measured by KPFM is in quantitative agreement with the threshold voltage shift of an electrolyte-gated single-molecule large-area transistor (SiMoT). The findings provide direct experimental evidence for the SiMoT ultrahigh sensitivity, by imaging the extensive shift of the gate work function, likely arising from collective surface phenomena, elicited by single-molecule binding events.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2201829
JournalAdvanced Materials Interfaces
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 23 Feb 2023
Externally publishedYes
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • atomic force microscopy
  • biofunctionalized surfaces
  • electrolyte gated transistors
  • Kelvin probe force microscopy
  • surface potential imaging single-molecule sensors


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