Exploring the language choice dilemma of international small firms: A social exchange perspective on English-only versus multilingualism

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In international business, firm-level language choices are important questions that require scarce organizational resources to deal with external stakeholders’ diverse preferences. While language choices have a major impact on the success and survival of SMEs, current knowledge of these choices is mainly based on data from MNEs, which constitutes a research gap. We help address this gap by exploring from a social exchange perspective why and how decision-makers in international small firms choose between “English-only” and “multilingual” approaches to language. We find that when evaluating the cost and benefits of these alternatives, decision-makers aim for high levels of both external and internal resource sharing. However, external language diversity and limited internal availability of relevant language competencies force them into difficult trade-offs.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102257
JournalInternational Business Review
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2024
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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