Effect of plasma coating on antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles

Kofi Brobbey, Janne Haapanen, Jyrki M. Mäkelä, Marianne Gunell, Erkki Eerola, Emil Rosqvist, Jouko Peltonen, Jarkko J. Saarinen, Mikko Tuominen, Martti Toivakka

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

20 Citations (Scopus)


Sil­ver nanopar­ti­cles (NPs) are known to pro­vide an­timi­cro­bial prop­er­ties for sur­faces. How­ever, there are en­vi­ron­men­tal con­cerns due to re­ports of tox­i­c­ity af­ter ex­po­sure to the en­vi­ron­ment dur­ing or af­ter end-use. Im­mo­bi­liz­ing sil­ver NPs to the sur­face of sub­strates could en­sure that par­ti­cles are read­ily avail­able for an­tibac­te­r­ial ac­tiv­ity with lim­ited en­vi­ron­men­tal ex­po­sure. A plasma coat­ing on top of sil­ver NPs could im­prove the ad­he­sion of NPs to a sub­strate, but it could also im­pede the re­lease of sil­ver NPs com­pletely. Fur­ther­more, sil­ver has been shown to re­quire di­rect con­tact to demon­strate an­tibac­te­r­ial ac­tiv­ity. This study demon­strates im­mo­bi­liza­tion of sil­ver NPs with plasma coat­ing onto a sur­face while main­tain­ing its an­tibac­te­r­ial prop­er­ties. Sil­ver NPs are si­mul­ta­ne­ously syn­the­sized and de­posited onto a sur­face with liq­uid flame spray aerosol tech­nique fol­lowed by hexa­m­ethyl­d­is­ilox­ane plasma coat­ing to im­mo­bi­lize the NPs. Atomic force mi­cro­scope scratch test­ing is used to demon­strate im­proved nanopar­ti­cle ad­he­sion. An­tibac­te­r­ial ac­tiv­ity against gram-neg­a­tive Es­cherichia coli is main­tained even for plasma coat­ing thick­nesses of 195 nm. NP ad­he­sion to the sur­face is sig­nif­i­cantly im­proved. Gram-pos­i­tive Staphy­lo­coc­cus au­reus was found be re­sis­tant to all the plasma-coated sam­ples. The re­sults show promise of us­ing plasma coat­ing tech­nol­ogy for lim­it­ing NP ex­po­sure to en­vi­ron­ment.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)75–82
JournalThin Solid Films
Publication statusPublished - 2019
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Liquid Flame Spray (LFS)
  • antibacterial property
  • plasma coating
  • Silver nanoparticles

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