Effect of B2O3 on the sintering process of vanadium–titanium magnet concentrates and hematite

Hao Liu, Ke Zhang, Yuelin Qin*, Henrik Saxén, Weiqiang Liu, Xiaoyan Xiang*

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This work studied the effect of B2O3 (analytical reagent) on the parameters of a sinteringpot test, as well as the metallurgical properties and microstructure of the sinter samples, to determinethe feasibility of applying solid waste containing B2O3 in vanadium–titanium sintering. The resultsshow that along with B2O3 addition, the mechanical strength of the sinter first increases and thendecreases; the maximum strength was found upon the addition of 3.0% of B2O3. The low-temperaturereduction and pulverization rate of the vanadium–titanium sinter were also improved, while the startand end temperatures of softening showed a decreasing trend. The microstructure of the sinter wasfound to change from plate structure to particle and point structure, with uniformly distributed smallareas. The sintering pots created by B2O3 addition had low total porosity but a greater pore diameterthan pots created without the reagent.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1224
Number of pages13
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 11 Sept 2020
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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