Didaktik for Distance Education in Secondary and Adult Education

Charlotta Hilli*, Anna Åkerfeldt

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This article presents secondary and adult education teachers’ perceptions of their distance teaching practice in Sweden. The teachers participated in a professional development program from 2019–2022. A Didaktik theory was used to analyse factors for distance education on structural (e.g., content, intentions, methods, media, students, sociocultural contexts) and faculty (e.g., organisational, curriculum) levels. The primary empirical material is group interviews with distance teachers and coordinators during a Design-Based research process. The analysis suggests that the teacher groups developed professionally as distance teachers by reflecting on and testing different ways to communicate (synchronously, asynchronously) and teach online. The article suggests Didaktik principles to improve distance education at structural and faculty levels.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)349-362
Number of pages14
JournalThe Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2022
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Distance teaching, Didaktik, Design-Based research, professional development


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