Designing an antiracism mobile phone application: A reflection on the process and discourse as disobedient knowledge

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review


Using participatory action research, this chapter centres on the critique of
three racism reporting apps by a group of students from one international
school in Finland. Their critique, which covers the issues of race, racism and
antiracism in Finland, preceded their design of a prototype of the Finland
without Racism (Silras) app – Finland’s first antiracism app. A reporting
mobile application is one that users can use to file a report on any given
topic. Reporting apps provide an analytical platform where reports can
be gathered and analysed. News and information apps like Yahoo News
Digest, Google News and Weather are a form of reporting app. Reporting
racism is not a very popular habit (see Matt, 2017; Keskinen et al., 2018;
Alemanji, 2016). Thus, having multiple platforms where a racist incident
can be reported is essential. There is a danger that racism reporting plat-
forms can make racism seem incident-based rather than structural, as the
focus is placed only on the single incident reported.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRace, bordering and disobedient knowledge
Subtitle of host publicationActivism and everyday struggles in Europe
EditorsSuvi Keskinen, Aminkeng Atabong Alemanji, Minna Seikkula
PublisherManchester university press
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-5261-6555-8
ISBN (Print)9781526165565
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jun 2024
MoE publication typeA3 Part of a book or another research book


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