Cluster states in the neutron excess nucleus 22Ne

S. Yu. Torilov, K. A. Gridnev, V. I. Zherebchevsky, M. Brenner, L. I. Vinogradov, V. Z. Goldberg, T. V. Korovitskaya, Tom Lönnroth, N. A. Maltsev, M. Mutterer, B. G. Novatskii, Markus Norrby, Joakim Slotte, Yu G. Sobolev, W. H. Trzaska, G. P. Tyurin, S. V. Khlebnikov

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


High-spin states of the 22Ne nucleus in the excitation energy range of 15–30 MeV have been studied. The angular correlation method has been used to determine the spins of excited states. A number of new states with high angular momenta—20.0 MeV (9), 20.7 MeV (11), 21.6 MeV (9), 22.2 MeV (12+), and 25.0 MeV (9)—have been revealed. They are intensely populated in the reaction 14C(12C, α1)22Ne* → α2 + 18O and correspond to the rotational bands of various structures.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)6–10
JournalJETP Letters
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2011
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

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