Arbetarkonst för 2000-talet. Ahlbäckpristagarna 1993-2014

Research output: Book/Journal/ReportBookGeneral public


"Proletarian art for the 21 Century.The Johan Ahlbäck prize 1993-2014." Presentations of the 21 artists who have received the Johan Ahlbäck prize since 1993. With an introduction and a biography of Johan Ahlbäck (1895-1973). The Johan Ahlbäck prize is given to artists who "work in the spirit of Johan Ahlbäck by focusing on labour, workers, labour life and labour conditions". (Hans Tollsten, Julie Leonardsson, Ulla Zimmerman, Gösta Backlund, Stefan Teleman, Åse Marstrander, Ulla Wennberg, Svante Rydberg, Roine Jansson, Ulla Grytt, Jean Hermanson, Ingmar Aldenhov, Maria Söderberg, Jan Annerborn, Britt-Marie Rydberg, Robert Nyberg, Yngve Svedlund, Lennart Engström, Reino Laitasalo, Lars Melander, Peter Nyblom.)
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
PublisherDalarnas Museum och Johan Ahlbäckstiftelsen
ISBN (Print)978-91-87719-13-4
Publication statusPublished - 2015
MoE publication typeE2 Popularised monograph


  • Labour Movement
  • Art History
  • Scandinavia

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