A Tale of Two Sites: The Planning and Development on Two Adjacent Sites in Palosaari, Vaasa, Finland

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingChapterScientific


This paper focus on built heritage in social and economic development by studying two close-knit sites within the district Palosaari in Vaasa, Finland. Namely the former Vaasan Puuvilla (Wasa Bomull) industrial site and the adjacent former park Wolffin puisto (Wolffska parken). These sites are historically connected and geographically close, but have experienced very different outcomes of the planning process. 

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Title of host publicationIntegrating Aims – Built Heritage in Social and Economic Development
EditorsMikko Mälkki, Kaisa Schmidt-Thomé
PublisherAalto University School of Science and Technology
ISBN (Electronic)978-952-60-3284-9
ISBN (Print)978-952-60-3283-2
Publication statusPublished - 2010
MoE publication typeB2 Part of a book or another research book


  • Built heritage
  • Redevelopment
  • Restructuring
  • planning

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