A Qualitative Content Analysis of Perceived Individual and Relational Consequences of Sexual Compliance and Their Contributors

Annika Gunst*, Katarina Alanko, Sabina Nickull, Marieke Dewitte, Marianne Källström, Jan Antfolk, Patrick Jern

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Sexual compliance (i.e., consensually engaging in sex despite a lack of desire for it) is common in committed intimate relationships, but the consequences of compliance for the well-being of the individual and the relationship are poorly understood. We investigated the perceived consequences of sexual compliance and perceptions of factors contributing to negative/positive consequences by applying qualitative content analysis to free-text retrospective survey responses from 107 (mostly) Finnish adults. We identified five themes of personal consequences (emotions and mood, sexual experience, sexual desire, pressure and violations, and physical pain), four of relational consequences (relationship satisfaction, partner’s response, relationship interaction, and value alignment), and nine of possible factors contributing to negative/positive consequences (communication, self-esteem, motives for sex, relationship factors, agency and self-knowledge, mental health and stress, psychological flexibility, societal norms, and past negative experiences). Perceived consequences varied widely across individuals, both in terms of whether any positive or negative consequences were experienced and whether compliance was perceived as improving or worsening specific domains of well-being. We discuss the themes identified in relation to previous theories of sexuality and intimate relationships and offer hypotheses that can be tested in future quantitative studies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3025-3041
JournalArchives of Sexual Behavior
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2024
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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