A Novel Method of Si and Si 3N 4 Powder Resources Recycling: Cold Bonding Briquettes

Yuandong Xiong, Ying Li, Huiting Chen, Dejin Qiu, Shiyu Wei, Henrik Saxén, Yaowei Yu

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Silicon nitride (Si3N4) and silicon powder (Si) are two kinds of harmful solid waste in industrial production. As an environmental and low-consumption method, the cold-bonding technique is a novel method to utilize the problem of powder resource cycling. In this experiment, mechanical and high-temperature properties of Si and Si3N4 briquettes were studied after cold bonding. The results are as follows: (1) The compressive strength of the Si and Si3N4 briquettes increased with the improvement of molding pressure. With the same binder (1 wt.%) and water (10 wt.%) addition, the compressive strength of the Si3N4 briquette arrived at 12,023.53 N under 40 Mpa molding pressure, which is much higher than that of the Si briquette (942.40 N). The Si particles are uneven and irregular, which leads to an intense arch bridge effect in the Si briquette
and the compressive strength decrease. Compared with Si powder, the particle size and shape of Si3N4 is small, uniform, and regular. The influence of the arch bridge effect is smaller than that in the Si briquette. (2) After being treated at 1473 K for 1 h, the compressive strength of the Si briquette increased to 5049.83 N, and the compressive strength of the Si3N4 briquette had a slight change. The surface of the briquettes was contacted with oxygen and reacted to form an outer shell which mainly contains SiO2 in the high-temperature treatment. FT-IR results have shown there were no extra impurities in cold-bonded briquettes when using the organic binder. (3) The microstructure
of the cross section of the Si and Si3N4 briquettes after high-temperature treatment presented that oxygen entered the briquette through the pores and continued to react with the Si and Si3N4. The outer shell of the Si briquette grew and thickened continuously with the oxygen spreading in the Si briquette. However, because of the smaller particle size and regular shape, little oxygen diffused in the Si3N4 briquette. The outer shell of the Si3N4 briquette is fairly thin, so the compressive strength did not change too much.
Original languageEnglish
Article number5496
Number of pages11
Issue number16
Publication statusPublished - 10 Aug 2022
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • silicon
  • silicon nitride
  • cold bonding
  • compressive strength
  • high-temperature properties


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