A methodological approach to misinformation: An analysis of the data creation process in two interview studies

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Introduction. This study discusses misinformation from the qualitative methodological point of view. Methodological library and information science discussions have not addressed the question of information sufficiently, which also is shown in misinformation research that needs more qualitative contributions in order to understand the phenomenon more broadly. Two data creation processes are used as an example of how to ask about misinformation as a nuanced phenomenon in semi-structured interviews. Method and analysis. The data creation process of two interview studies was analysed. Semi- structured interviews were conducted with two participant groups: volunteers working with asylum seekers and youth service workers working with youth. The analysis focused on the direct misinformation questions and indirect discussion on misinformation in the interviews. Results. Both direct questions and indirect discussions resulted in discussing misinformation and its surrounding aspects. There were individual and group-specific differences in what worked best: volunteers tended to favour more indirect discussion whereas direct questions functioned slightly better with the youth service workers. Misinformation can be reached through the combination of free discussion and gentle probing. Conclusions. Qualitative interviewing creates new knowledge on misinformation and helps to understand it broadly and in nuance. The connection between the theoretical premises and methodological choices of empirical research should be made more visible, and the question of how to study information should be discussed more in library and information science.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbercolis2229
JournalInformation Research
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2022
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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