A csók

Translated title of the contribution: The kiss

Immánuel Löw, Dora Pataricza (Editor), Máté Hidvégi (Editor)

Research output: Book/Journal/ReportEdited Book/Edited JournalGeneral public


The enigmatic opus authored by Rabbi Löw Immánuel, titled "A csók" (The Kiss) originally printed in a scant thirty exemplars in 1882, only three of which have survived, have been the recently re-issued, in an equally limited reprint edition disseminated by the Szeged Jewish Community in the year 2022. It includes an epilogue penned by Máté Hidvégi and Dóra Pataricza, aptly entitled "The Kiss: A Tale of Wedding Gift."
Translated title of the contributionThe kiss
Original languageHungarian
Place of PublicationSzeged
PublisherSzeged Jewish Community
Number of pages48
ISBN (Print)978 615 6415 01 1
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2022
MoE publication typeE3 Edited popular book


  • Szeged
  • Szeged Jewish Community
  • Judaism
  • kiss
  • Immánuel Löw


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