全体的な翻訳の減少に基づくパーキンソン病の診断Applicant オーボ アカデミー ユニヴァーシティ(Diagnosis of PArkinsons disease on the basis of decreased overall translation)

Eleanor Coffey (Inventor), Dani Flinkman (Inventor), Prasannakumar Deshpande (Inventor), Peter James (Inventor), Ye Hong (Inventor), Tomas Lassi-Pekka Laurén (Inventor), Valtteri Kaasinen (Inventor), Sirkku Peltonen (Inventor)

Research output: IPRGranted patents owned by ÅAU

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberJP2020504815
IPCC120 1/6883
Priority date11/12/16
Publication statusPublished - 22 Mar 2022
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent

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