Music researchers in society: Activist music research as a promoter of social justice

  • Ahlsved, Kaj (Project staff)
  • Torvinen, Juha (Principal Investigator)
  • Välimäki, Susanna (Co-Principal Investigator)
  • Mononen, Sini (Project staff)
  • Ramstedt, Kim (Project staff)
  • Ramstedt, Anna (Project staff)
  • Rantanen, Saijaleena (Project staff)
  • Rantakallio, Inka (Project staff)

Project Details


This Kone Foundation funded research project studies music and social justice. The study addresses music’s potential for social change. It has an activist ethos and aims to redress practices in Finnish music culture that perpetuate inequity with regards to gender, race, nationality and the environment.

Topics investigated in the project include contemporary art music, the classical concert repertoire, and the history of women composers in Finland, the history of music in sports, the use of music in the environmental movement, course literature in musicological education, African club scene in Finland, queer rap, as well as the history of Finnish migrant activist in north America and in Soviet Karelia. The research methodology combines rebellious and action-oriented research, gender and critical whiteness studies, queer studies, feminist musicology, institutional critique, ecomusicology, as well as microhistory and the history of marginalization.

In cooperation with other actors, institutions and people within the field of music, the project 1) produces information about music as a tool for change, 2) makes music practices more socially accountable, and 3) creates new methods for activist music research. We publish research articles and popular writings, we organize conferences and research based, conversational open music events, we publish information packages, guides and song books.
Effective start/end date01/01/2031/10/26

Collaborative partners

  • Tutkimusyhdistys Suoni ry / Forskningsföreningen Suoni rf (lead)
  • Åbo Akademi University
  • University of Helsinki
  • University of the Arts Helsinki

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 5 - Gender Equality
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities