Identifying and counteracting language-based vulnerabilities in social work with children through the lens of professional discretion

Project Details


This research project aims to strengthen the quality of social work by investigating language-based vulnerabilities in child welfare services through the lens of professional discretion. The study responds to research gaps identified in previous research, in earlier SOSKIELI research project ( in particular. There is a call for more in-depth research on the mandate and professional practice of social work within the monolingual service system, particularly in relation to professional discretion, and the division of labour between social work and other public service sectors, such as health care and schooling.

The project is divided in two work packages. Based on an online survey and open-ended questionnaire data, the objective of WP1 is to investigate the role of professional child welfare work in identifying and counteracting language barriers and linguistic injustices in social work with other language speaking children and their families. Based on interview data and an in-depth case study, the objective of WP 2 is to investigate how children make sense of and develop strategies for resisting language barriers and linguistic injustices in the social service system and in child welfare service encounters in particular. Moreover, the research project will organise expert panels to which we invite social work middle-managers and practitioners, representatives from third sector organisations and experts by experience from different regions to engage in dialogue around the research findings. The project has been approved by the Research Ethics Board at Åbo Akademi University.
Effective start/end date01/11/2431/12/26

Collaborative partners


  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Health