@geing Online Digitala tjänster för meningsfulla sociala aktiviteter bland Botniaregionens äldre

Project Details


During the innovation project, a tailored application for tablet computers, focusing on the promotion of meaningful social activities for older adults in the Botnia region, is designed, developed and evaluated.

The planned application targets community-dwelling older adults at risk for social isolation, and will support older adults' opportunities for maintaining social networks, relationships and activities. In the design and development process the existing prototypes will be further developed and tested in collaboration with end-users and other stakeholders in three municipalities in the project region.

At the end of the project, three cases will thus be presented, where different variations of the original prototype have been developed according to the specific needs and resources identified in the different municipalities.

The project targets central operators in the field, such as small to middle-sized regional businesses that, at the end of the project, can introduce the digital solution in their product line. Regional companies on both sides of the Kvarken area are also involved during the project period for technical development of the application and related tasks. An open innovation approach with strong stakeholder involvement is employed throughout the project from prototype to developed product in order to ensure a product market for the planned application.

Funders: Interreg Botnia-Atlantica 2014-2020 programme; Regional Council of Ostrobothnia; Regionförbundet Västerbottens län; Högskolestiftelsen i Österbotten; the three collaborative partners

Total project budget: 861 541 EUR (EU-support: 516 925 EUR)

Short title@geing Online
Effective start/end date01/09/1731/12/20

Collaborative partners


  • Österbottens Förbund
  • Regionförbundet Västerbottens län
  • Interreg Botnia-Atlantica 2014–2020-programmet

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities