From Dust to Value - Circular bio-based residues

Project Details


D2V consortium project will develop a sustainable value chain from wood-based side streams to value-added bio-based products, such as dispersants, wood adhesives, binders and coatings, thermoplastic biocomposites, and fiber-based insulation materials through an efficient and integrated biorefinery approach. The main target of D2V is to facilitate the transition of Finnish biorefinery from a bioeconomy to a sustainable circular bioeconomy by upgrading industrial waste streams – mainly wood dust.

For the EU to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, the bioeconomy and circular economy must be developed in synergy. Currently, annually 12 million tons of wood waste are produced in the industry of wood manufacturing and products, and 19 million tons of wood waste in the manufacturing industry. At the same time, the society are striving to find bio-based sustainable alternatives to conventional fossil-based products such as dispersants, resins, thermoplastics, and insulation materials that are essential to our everyday life.

D2V aims at minimizing the gap by providing practical solutions and technologies to upgrade wood-based side streams using green and fractionation approaches to produce functional materials with high carbon efficiency.

The consortium ties in research groups from Åbo Akademi University, University of Turku and Helsinki University integrating expertise and knowledge that cover biomass chemistry and treatment, organic chemistry and polymer technology, wood science and engineering, and circular economy. Furthermore, with strong support by Veturi SHAPE ecosystem, the industry partners Mirka, Fiberwood, Boreal Bioproducts, Kiilto, GVK, Durat, Woodly and Cajo Technologies join the consortium to boost the innovation with a strong synergy grounding the entire value chain of upgrading industrial waste streams. The outcome will enhance the global business opportunities for Finnish industries with the concepts of carbon neutral and circular bioeconomy.
Short titleD2V
Effective start/end date01/09/2331/08/26

Collaborative partners

  • Åbo Akademi University (lead)
  • University of Helsinki, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland
  • University of Turku


  • Business Finland
  • Salim Brahimi

    Xu, C. (Host)

    8 Jul 202430 Nov 2024

    Activity: Hosting a visitorHosting an academic visitor