Nomination for the EAPRIL 2012 Best Research and Practice Project Award



Out of 10 projects, the project “Salute / S@lute – Collaboration and development in small schools ('S@lute – Samverkan och utveckling i små skolor’, Centre for Lifelong Learning at Åbo Akademi University in Vaasa, Finland)” was shortlisted as one of four nominated projects. As a consequence, Dr. Gunilla Karlberg-Granlund was invited to present this project to the awarding committee by means of both a poster and a paper presentation at the EAPRIL 2012 Conference in Jyväskylä, Finland. Although one of the other nominated projects was eventually awarded with the EAPRIL 2012 Best Research and Practice Project Award, the awarding committee wishes to express its appreciation for the nominated project of Dr. Gunilla Karlberg-Granlund, which was evaluated as having an excellent value to the community of practice-based educational research. (Frank de Jong, EAPRIL Chair, on behalf of the Awarding Committee, 2012)

Awarded at event

Event titleEAPRIL Conference
Location, Jyväskylä, FinlandShow on map
Period28 Nov 2012 → 30 Nov 2012