Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

Archaeology in literature; Historical discoveries in novels; Literary cities; Time and place; Liminal spaces; American and Canadian literature; Contemporary writers, 1900s, Racial politics in the City, Literary criticism


Meeria Vesala is a Ph.D. Candidate in English Literature at Åbo Akademi University in Turku, Finland. She researches the relationship between literature, place and identity. Her work explores fictional worlds and ideas, literary geography and archaeology, contemporary American literature, philosophy, and literary criticism. 

Vesala is the Bibliography Editor & Board Member of the Association for Literary Urban Studies (ALUS).

She is also a Member of the Modern Language Association (MLA), American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), Sexuality Studies Research Cluster (EROSS@DCU), and The European Society for the Study of English (ESSE). 

Current and Past Positions
University Teacher, English Language 2024-2025
Ph.D. Candidate, English Literature / full-time funding 2023-2027
University Teacher, English Language and Literature 2022-2023
Assistant to the UN Ambassador of Finland at the United Nations 2018-2021
M.A. in English Literature 2014-2018
Publishing Editor at Vastapaino, Finnish Non-Fiction 2016
B.A. in English Language and Literature 2009-2013

Professional Mobility
New York City, New York, USA 2018-2021
Emporia, Kansas, USA 2013
Oakville, Ontario, CAN 2008-2009
Windsor, Berkshire, UK 2006
Hamilton, Ontario, CAN 2004-2005


Phonetics (Pronunciation and Intonation), English Language, 2023-2025 at Åbo Akademi University 

Literary Analysis, English Literature, 2022-2023 at Tampere University 

English for Specific Purposes (ESP), 2011-2013 at Vamia Adult Education Center

Education/Academic qualification

Master, M.A. in English Literature, University of Tampere

Award Date: 15 Jun 2018

Bachelor, B.A. in English Language and Literature, University of Vaasa

Award Date: 22 Feb 2013

PhD, Ph.D. in English Literature, Åbo Akademi University