Personal profile


Magdalena Kmak is Professor of Public International Law, with a specialization in Migration and Minority Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, Business, and Economics. Magdalena received her PhD in 2009 from the Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences. She holds the title of Docent in law and globalization (University of Helsinki). Her current research focuses on the multifaceted relationship between law and mobility, in particular in the context of global migration and minority regimes. Her research interests encompass new minorities, exile studies and history of migration, mobility studies, public international law, human rights and international and European refugee and migration law. Magdalena is team leader and researcher in the Subproject: Mi­gra­tion and the nar­rat­ive of Europe as an “Area of free­dom, se­cur­ity and justice” at the The Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives ( at the University of Helsinki and one of the co-applicants and researchers in the project: ‘Climate refugees’ in the Nordic Region: legal and policy responses to new patterns of human mobility (CLaREFi) (2020-2021).

External positions

Team Leader, Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives, University of Helsinki

1 Jan 2018 → …


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