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Niklas Antonsson: För samhällets bestånd och Guds rikes förkovran. Prästerskapets undervisning kring hushåll, barn och äktenskap i svenska postillor 1686–1770
Groop, K. (Second supervisor)
2024Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Brita Jern: ”Så länge hemmafronten håller” - Ett studium av understödjarkåren för Svenska Lutherska Evangeliföreningens missionsarbete i Kenya åren 1963–2000
Groop, K. (Second supervisor) & Dahlbacka, I. (Principal supervisor )
2019Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Ulrika Lagerlöf Nilsson: Tradition, modernitet och förnyelse. Elisabeth Beskow och hennes författarskap decennierna kring sekelskiftet 1900
Groop, K. (Second supervisor), Dahlbacka, I. (Principal supervisor ) & Dahlbacka, J. (Second supervisor)
2017Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Nehemia Moshi: Stretching the Drum Skin. An Analysis of Power Relations in Leadership Development and Succession in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania – Northern Diocese 1942-1993
Groop, K. (Supervisor)
2016Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Heli Aaltonen: Fe y Esperanza: Women's Road to Leadership and Ministry in the Lutheran Church of El Salvador 1952-2009
Groop, K. (Second supervisor) & Dahlbacka, I. (Principal supervisor )
2013Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students