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Xu, C. (Principal Investigator)
01/10/24 → 30/09/28
Project: EU
AI-LokalDemo: AI i lokaldemokratins tjänst
Lundell, A. (Principal Investigator), Westö, J. (Principal Investigator) & Backholm-Nyberg, Y. (Co-Principal Investigator)
01/06/24 → 30/06/25
Project: Foundation
The next generation biohybrid systems for photosynthetic fuel and chemicals production
Xu, C. (Principal Investigator)
Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation
01/05/24 → 30/04/29
Project: Foundation
Innovativa och selektiva behandlingsmetoder mot borrelios
Salminen, T. A. (Principal Investigator)
Medicinska Understödsföreningen Liv och Hälsa
25/04/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Other
Utveckling av långtidsupplagring av fasta biobränslen för att möjliggöra en hållbar energiomställning (1.3.2024-28.2.2026)
Björklund-Sänkiaho, M. (Principal Investigator), Tuuf, J. (Principal Investigator) & Laitila, S. (Principal Investigator)
01/03/24 → 28/02/26
Project: EU
Grénman, H. (Principal Investigator) & Hupa, L. (Co-Principal Investigator)
01/03/24 → 30/08/26
Project: Industry/Business Finland
Secure Bio Supply: Utveckling av långtidsupplagring av fasta biobränslen (SECURE-BIO-SUPPLY) för att möjliggöra en hållbar energiomställning
Björklund-Sänkiaho, M. (Principal Investigator), Tuuf, J. (Principal Investigator), Laitila, S. (Principal Investigator) & Ahlbäck, L. (Project staff)
EU-FRO Fonden för rättvis omställning
01/03/24 → 28/02/26
Project: EU
HPC-Phot: High-performance computing in photonics
Anttu, N. (Principal Investigator)
01/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Research Council of Finland/Other Research Councils
Heat-Pioneer: Heat pumps incorporation in Turku’s renewable energy infrastructure
Zevenhoven, R. (Principal Investigator), Mutiganda, J. C. (Co-Principal Investigator) & Grönholm, S. (Co-Investigator)
01/01/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Other
Depoly2ols: Tailored polyphenols and polyols from fractionation and depolymerization of biorefinery lignins
Grénman, H. (Principal Investigator)
01/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Industry/Business Finland
MADNESS: Centre of Excellence in Materials-driven solutions for combatting antimicrobial resistance
Rosenholm, J. (Principal Investigator), Porres Paltor, I. (Co-Principal Investigator), Bansal, K. (Coordinator), Lafond, S. (Co-Principal Investigator), Uppstu, P. (Co-Principal Investigator), Viitala, T. (Co-Principal Investigator), Wang, X. (Co-Principal Investigator), Wilen, C.-E. (Co-Principal Investigator), Xu, C. (Co-Principal Investigator), Zhang, H. (Co-Principal Investigator), Lu, Z. (Co-Investigator), Verma, J. (Co-Investigator), Kumar, V. (Co-Investigator), Frejborg, F. (Co-Investigator), Wang, S. (Co-Investigator), Ran, M. (Co-Investigator), Ma, X. (Co-Investigator), Yang, W. (Co-Investigator), Liang, S. (Co-Investigator), Zhang, Y. (Co-Investigator), Fan, L. (Co-Investigator), Chen, Y. (Co-Investigator), Wang, L. (Co-Investigator), Zhuang, P. (Co-Investigator), Peltomäki, J. (Co-Investigator), Rajan Prakash, D. (Co-Investigator), Howaili, F. (Co-Investigator), Gulshan, R. (Co-Investigator), Yadav, D. (Co-Investigator), Pathak, C. (Co-Investigator), Mustafa, R. (Co-Investigator) & Rostami, L. (Co-Investigator)
01/01/24 → 31/12/28
Project: Foundation
FFS2: Towards Fossil-free Steelmaking 2
Saxén, H. (Principal Investigator)
01/01/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Industry/Business Finland
PanMet: Deciphering the mechanisms of pancreatic cancer metastasis
Jacquemet, G. (Principal Investigator)
01/01/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Foundation
Happamien sulfaattimaiden hyödyntäminen
Österholm, P. (Principal Investigator), Hupa, L. (Principal Investigator), Nystrand, M. (Co-Investigator), Kronberg, T. (Co-Investigator) & Eriksson, J.-E. (Co-Investigator)
Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment in North Ostrobothnia, European Regional Development Fund, Fingrid, Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, Kiertokaari
01/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: EU
HTR: A step forward on cleaner high-temperature recycling of non-ferrous metals
Tesfaye, F. (Principal Investigator), Vainio, E. (Principal Investigator) & Hupa, L. (Principal Investigator)
01/01/24 → 28/02/25
Project: Foundation
Nordic Pharmaceutical Translation and Innovation
Rosenholm, J. (Principal Investigator), Viitala, T. (Co-Principal Investigator), Zhang, H. (Co-Principal Investigator), Salo-Ahen, O. (Co-Principal Investigator), Filppula, A. (Co-Principal Investigator), Wang, X. (Co-Principal Investigator), Bansal, K. (Co-Investigator), Kulkov, I. (Co-Investigator), Ameyaw Ahen, F. (Co-Investigator), Salminen, T. A. (Co-Principal Investigator), Airenne, T. (Co-Investigator), Lehtonen, J. (Co-Investigator), Södergård, B. (Co-Investigator) & Rosenberg, S. (Co-Investigator)
01/01/24 → 31/12/28
Project: Research
SOS: Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Ocean Science
Törnroos-Remes, A. (Principal Investigator), Tynkkynen, N. (Co-Principal Investigator), Lehtonen, M. (Coordinator), Boström, C. (Co-Investigator), Salovius-Lauren, S. (Co-Investigator), Hellström, M. (Co-Investigator), Ringbom, H. (Co-Investigator), Pansch-Hattich, C. (Co-Investigator), Lundberg, C. (Co-Investigator) & Salmi, T. (Co-Investigator)
01/01/24 → 31/12/28
Project: Foundation
VST: Virtual Sea Trial
Truscan, D. (Principal Investigator), Hellström, M. (Principal Investigator), Porres Paltor, I. (Co-Principal Investigator), Ahmad, T. (Co-Investigator), Chariyarupadannayil Sudheerbabu, G. (Project staff), Yaseen, A. (Project staff), Khan, M. S. W. (Project staff) & Mughees, A. (Project staff)
01/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Industry/Business Finland
PII: Printed Intelligence Infrastructure
Toivakka, M. (Principal Investigator), Xu, C. (Co-Principal Investigator), Bobacka, J. (Co-Principal Investigator), Viitala, T. (Co-Principal Investigator), Rosenholm, J. (Co-Principal Investigator), Österbacka, R. (Co-Principal Investigator), Anttu, N. (Co-Principal Investigator), Huynh, T. P. (Co-Principal Investigator), Peltonen, J. (Co-Principal Investigator), Wang, X. (Co-Principal Investigator), Zhang, H. (Co-Principal Investigator) & Wilen, C.-E. (Co-Principal Investigator)
01/01/24 → 31/12/28
Project: Research Council of Finland/Other Research Councils
EFP: Emission Free Pulping
Xu, C. (Principal Investigator) & Gustafsson, J. (Co-Principal Investigator)
01/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Industry/Business Finland
Biocenter Finland (HY)(Consortium Biocenter Finland) Person responsible Olli Silvennoinen
Salminen, T. A. (Co-Principal Investigator)
01/01/24 → 31/12/28
Project: Research Council of Finland/Other Research Councils
MISSION: Maritime just-in-time optimization - Interoperable Port Call and Voyage Optimization tool
Hellström, M. (Principal Investigator), Ringbom, H. (Principal Investigator), Tsvetkova, A. (Co-Investigator) & Chen, Y. (Co-Investigator)
01/01/24 → 30/06/27
Project: EU
Oxy-Kraft RB: Oxy-Kraft recovery boiler - Towards novel integrated green energy parks
Hupa, L. (Principal Investigator) & Yrjas, P. (Co-Investigator)
01/11/23 → 31/10/26
Project: Industry/Business Finland
CO2MET: Pure methane from CO2 utilizing a structured radial flow reactor system employing a novel catalyst/sorbent bi-functional material
Grénman, H. (Principal Investigator)
01/09/23 → 31/08/27
Project: Research Council of Finland/Other Research Councils
D2V: From Dust to Value - Circular bio-based residues
Xu, C. (Principal Investigator), Eklund, P. C. (Co-Principal Investigator), Wang, L. (Co-Investigator), Tarasov, D. (Co-Investigator), Nie, Q. (Co-Investigator) & Bhadane, R. R. (Co-Investigator)
01/09/23 → 31/08/26
Project: Industry/Business Finland
BIONEER: Management of post-mining waste areas through cyanobacterial bioengineering - BIONEER project
Meriluoto, J. (Principal Investigator), Svirčev, Z. (Co-Investigator), Simeunović, J. (Co-Investigator), Österholm, P. (Co-Investigator), Dulic, T. (Co-Investigator) & Dudas, I. (Co-Investigator)
01/09/23 → 30/11/26
Project: Foundation
File -
Defining the driving role of the oncogenic hits linked to EBV-associated gastric cancer
Gramolelli, S. (Principal Investigator)
01/09/23 → 31/08/27
Project: Research Council of Finland/Other Research Councils
Photo-e-Mat: A bio-inspired generator of green electricity using photosynthetic bacteria and sustainable materials
Xu, C. (Principal Investigator)
01/09/23 → 30/08/27
Project: Research Council of Finland/Other Research Councils
Algorithms and Software for Large-Scale Optimization
Lundell, A. (Principal Investigator) & Björkqvist, J. (Co-Investigator)
01/09/23 → 31/08/25
Project: Foundation
IRONH2: Towards a New Age of Sustainable Iron and Steelmaking by Hydrogen Reduction
Saxén, H. (Principal Investigator)
01/09/23 → 31/08/27
Project: Research Council of Finland/Other Research Councils
DAZE: Data Analytics for Zero Emission Marine
Björkqvist, J. (Principal Investigator), Lundell, A. (Co-Principal Investigator) & Böling, J. (Co-Principal Investigator)
01/09/23 → 31/08/26
Project: Industry/Business Finland
CHallenge-driven, Accessible, Research-based, Mobile European University. Charm-EU
De Blasio, C. (Principal Investigator)
01/08/23 → …
Project: EU
PROTECT BALTIC: Enabling comprehensive effective and efficient protection and restoration measures for a resilient Baltic Sea ecosystem
Törnroos-Remes, A. (Principal Investigator), Tynkkynen, N. (Co-Principal Investigator), Ringbom, H. (Co-Principal Investigator) & Nordström, M. (Co-Investigator)
01/06/23 → 01/06/28
Project: EU
FIBSUN: Novel fibre value chains & ecosystem services from sustainable feedstock
Xu, C. (Principal Investigator)
01/06/23 → 31/05/27
Project: EU
NanoPET: Early detection of breast cancer lung metastasis with high precision using new nanoparticle-based PET imaging agents
Rosenholm, J. (Principal Investigator), Xiang-Guo, L. (Principal Investigator), Bakay, E. (Co-Investigator) & Zhuang, X. (Co-Investigator)
01/05/23 → 30/04/26
Project: Foundation
3D Printing for Personalized Medicine and Customized Drug Delivery
Viitala, T. (Principal Investigator), Rosenholm, J. (Co-Principal Investigator) & Xu, C. (Co-Principal Investigator)
01/05/23 → 30/04/25
Project: Industry/Business Finland
GRAM: Green adaptable method for refining lignocellulosic materials to high-value components
Xu, C. (Principal Investigator)
01/05/23 → 30/04/25
Project: Industry/Business Finland
Replication stress-induced Notch1 phosphorylation mediates sustained cancer cell proliferation during DNA damage
Sahlgren, C. (Principal Investigator)
01/05/23 → 30/04/26
Project: Foundation
DDSM: Data-Driven Sustainability Management
Björkqvist, J. (Principal Investigator), Lundell, A. (Co-Principal Investigator) & Sell, A. (Co-Principal Investigator)
01/05/23 → 30/04/25
Project: Industry/Business Finland
FuSE: Future Shipping Electrified
Hellström, M. (Principal Investigator), Lafond, S. (Co-Principal Investigator), Gustafsson, M. (Co-Investigator), Schwartz, H. (Co-Investigator), Katumwesigye, A. (Co-Investigator) & Rexha, H. (Co-Investigator)
13/04/23 → 13/04/25
Project: Industry/Business Finland
Carbon Neutral Vaasa 202X - Creation of Data Platform: real-time monitoring, testing and development IoT-platform
Lundell, A. (Principal Investigator), Björklund-Sänkiaho, M. (Principal Investigator) & Backlund, S. (Coordinator)
01/03/23 → 31/12/26
Project: EU
INDECS: Integration of design and operation of cruise ship energy systems
Böling, J. (Principal Investigator)
01/01/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Industry/Business Finland
SPoC: SMART PORT CITY: Towards digitally enhanced integration of port and city operations
Tsvetkova, A. (Principal Investigator), Hellström, M. (Principal Investigator), Wahlström, I. (Co-Investigator) & Chen, Y. (Principal Investigator)
City of Turku - Turku Urban Research Programme
01/01/23 → 31/12/24
Project: Other
Kestävästi lisäävää! - Turun lisäävän valmistuksen osaamisen innovaatiokeskittymä
Xu, C. (Principal Investigator) & Gustafsson, J. (Principal Investigator)
European Regional Development Fund, Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council
01/01/23 → 30/09/25
Project: EU
WSTAR: Wasa zero emission data centre
Björkqvist, J. (Principal Investigator), Lundell, A. (Co-Principal Investigator) & Backlund, S. (Co-Principal Investigator)
01/01/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Research Council of Finland/Other Research Councils
TuProtCore: Turku Protein Core
Salminen, T. A. (Principal Investigator)
01/01/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Research Council of Finland/Other Research Councils
ULLEVI : Uutta liiketoimintaa lämpöenergian varastoinnista
Saxén, H. (Principal Investigator), Helle, M. (Principal Investigator) & Haikarainen, C. (Principal Investigator)
European Regional Development Fund, Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council
01/01/23 → 31/12/25
Project: EU
CA21111 - One Health drugs against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond (OneHealthdrugs)
Costi, M. P. (Project manager) & Salo-Ahen, O. (Co-Investigator)
24/10/22 → 23/10/26
Project: EU