Abstract Nera, 2021Charlotta Hilli
In this theoretical paper presentation, I wonder about what posthumanist education may offer general Didaktik in higher education? Didaktik is rarely used in university pedagogy although it ‘can help revive relational and emancipatory elements of higher education’ (Magnússon & Rytzler, 2018). Posthumanist education extends the relations beyond humans to other agents and material-discursive matters and works toward a higher education that is meaningful, ethical and joyful (Taylor, 2018).
The so-called learning-centered Didaktik model includes six categories that affect the teaching situation; 1) the intentions with teaching, 2) themes, 3) methods, 4) media chosen, as well as, 5) frameworks and, 6) contextual matters (Keiding, 2013). Posthumanist education is concerned with blurring the edges between categories like teacher/student, content/method (Taylor, 2018). Traditionally in Didaktik, agency is bestowed on the teacher and the student while the categories are seen as passive objects. In posthumanist education, many agentic forces can be at play in a teaching situation. Of interest is what different effects they create when they intra-act with each other.
In a posthumanist Didaktik, the categories are entangled and can become agentic. For example, Virtual Learning Environments affect and are affected by what teachers and students do online. The space for learning becomes agentic in relation to contextual matters (students’ professional and personal interests) and material-discursive arrangements (relevant content, collaborative methods) during a distance course (Hilli & Tigerstedt, 2020).
A posthumanist Didaktik brings dynamic relations like spatial and material-discursive entanglements to the fore to offer meaningful and joyful education to all.
Hilli, C. & Tigerstedt, C. (2020). Entanglements of Posthumanist Bildung in Virtual Learning Environments, The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-learning, 8 (4), 174–188.
Keiding, T. (2013). Læreteoretisk didaktik. In A. Qvortrup & M. Wiberg (Eds.), Læringsteori og didaktik, (358–378). Hans Reitzels Forlag.
Magnússon, G. & Rytzler, J. (2019) Approaching higher education with Didaktik: university teaching for intellectual emancipation, European Journal of Higher Education, 9 (2), 190-202.
Taylor, C. (2018) Edu-crafting posthumanist adventures in/for higher education: A speculative musing, Parallax, 24 (3), 371–381.
Funded by Gustaf Packaléns MindefondPeriod | 4 Nov 2021 |
Event title | Nordic Educational Research Association: Hope and Education |
Event type | Conference |
Location | Odense, DenmarkShow on map |