Diffracting inquiries with theories and humans – moments, affects, material and spatial entanglements

Activity: Talk or presentationConference presentation


Abstract pre-conference network 22 (post-approaches to education), NERA

Charlotta Hilli & Sofia Jusslin

During the pre-conference we want to discuss how you do thinking with theories and humans (e.g., researchers, colleagues, teachers, artists, students) (Jackson & Mazzei, 2017). Our previous experiences as researchers have made us wonder about doing theoretical and analytical involvements together. We have collaborated in physical locations (e.g., campuses, cafés) and in digital spaces (e.g., messenger, Zoom, Teams). These moments have created a focus and energy because we bring with us what we have been reading and thinking of between our meetings and writing sessions. We feel challenged when trying to explore what it is we do together. One way to understand it is through mo(ve)ments of openness, of embodiedment where we are open when listening to each other and being together (see Wyatt et. al, 2011). These moments may offer openings towards shifts that make us re-think or dig deeper into theories and see the materials in studies different.
We would like to discuss how other researchers think-with-theories and/or with humans and how they unfold their studies?

Jackson A. Y., Mazzei, L. A., 2017. ‘Thinking with Theory: A New Analytic for Qualitative Inquiry’. In N. Denzin and Y. Lincoln (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research. 5th edition (pp. 717–737). Sage Publications.

Wyatt, J., Gale, K., Gannon, S. & Davies, B. (2011). Deleuze & Collaborative Writing. Immanent Plane of Composition. Peter Lang.


Funded by Högskolestiftelsen i Österbotten
Period31 May 2022
Event titlePre-conference: SIG Post-approaches to Education
Event typeConference
LocationReykjavik, IcelandShow on map